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Ladies’ 4s draw with Banbury 2s

Season 2023-2024

Ladies’ 4s draw with Banbury 2s

Published on 02nd Oct, 2023

Banbury got an early goal two minutes into the game, but that didn’t stop us.

7 minutes in, we won a short corner and bamboozled the opposition by taking it from the right hand side. Although this did not result in a goal, we won another short and Kelly received it on the top of the D and smashed it to Emily on the left post who whacked it in.

17 minutes in, Jess legged it down the the line and scored a beautiful goal from the far right hand side of the D - some serious champagne hockey!

After a strong half time team talk, we went into the second half storming.

2 minutes in Banbury got another goal to equal the score to 2-2. Although we fought a good fight with many runs from Zoe from a fall back position, the final score remained at 2-2. Well played everyone!

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