For the new season 2024/25, availability and team lists for matches will be in Teamo. If you are not in Teamo, please register now.

Training Times

Training Times

Home / Adults / Training Times

Training Timetable 2023/24

These are the training times for adults from 6th September 2023.  This is the date when all training begins.  However, for some teams there is training before this date, e.g., pre-season training.

The main change this season is that Men's Club training is at St Edwards until after Christmas.  Then the Ladies' Club Training will move to St Edwards.

For juniors see their page.

Please register for training sessions using Teamo.

Day & Times Group Pitch
Tuesday 7 - 9 pm
Mens 1s & 2s by invitation
St Edward's School
Tuesday 7 - 8:30 pm by invitation
Ladies' 3s and 4s
Tuesday 7 - 9 pm by invitation
Ladies 1s and 2s
Wednesday 7 - 8:30 pm
Ladies' Club Training for Ladies 5s, 6s, 7s & 8s and new members
Wednesday 7 - 8 pm
Back to Hockey (in blocks of 6 weeks)
Wednesday 7 - 8:30 pm
Club Training for Men's 3s - 7s
St Edwards School
Thurday 7 - 9 pm
Men's 1s & 2s by invitation
Thursday 7 - 9 pm
Ladies' 1s and 2s by invitation only

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