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Ball Patrol

Ball Patrol

Home / Juniors / Ball Patrol

Ball Patrol

After some excitement on the weekend and are you aged between 11 and 16? Why not volunteer to be on Ball Patrol for our Men’s and Ladies' 1s?

See some fast-paced, high level hockey at very close range! Our Men’s 1s and Ladies 1s both play in the National League, and you can play your part in supporting them!

The Ball Patrol volunteers generally come from U12 and U14 squads as there are less likely to be clashes with school matches. It is a fantastic opportunity for the boys and girls (and their parents!) to see fast and skilful hockey at close quarters.

Ball patrol 2
Ball patrol 3
Ball patrol 1

Our Ladies' generally have their games on Saturday lunchtimes and the Men on either Saturday evening's or Sunday afternoons.

If you'd like to get involved please contact the relevant person below:

Ladies: Henri Gordon -

Men: Drew Blackburn -

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