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Our Clubhouse – Hawks@90

Evolving Our Clubhouse – Our Hockey Home!

To underpin our vision, and the development of our community, we recognise the need to evolve the physical amenities available at BRN, in particular the Clubhouse.  This facility must be the hub for our Club and will enable us to thrive into the future.

Our phased approach…

In conjunction with our tennis clubhouse partner, we have developed a 3-Phase plan to improve and evolve the Clubhouse and the wider BRN site


Phase 1

To provide immediate improvement to the Clubhouse.

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Photo 14-10-2023, 15 21 31

Phase 2

To improve the configuration of the building.

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Phase 3

Blue Sky’ thinking, encompassing a complete reconfiguration.

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Getting involved developing our clubhouse

If we are to achieve our Hawks@90 vision for our Clubhouse we’re going to need to work as a club.  Across our membership and beyond are all the skills and energy we’ll need to make it happen.  We will shortly be confirming a Project Manager for this element of our vision.  This individual will need your help in many areas, so if you are willing and able, then please do get in touch to find out more.

Focus Areas

    1. Focusing on Fundraising – both through events and activities within and beyond the club, as well as a focus on accessing grants, commercial support and potentially investment to bring our vision to life.

2.    Focusing on the Development – both in the design and development of plans and approvals, and in the physical skills and expertise required to bring a complex transformation of our site to life.


Phase 1 – Immediate Improvements (in progress)

Phase 1 is providing immediate improvements to the Clubhouse and is having an instant impact. We will complete this work over the Summer of 2024.

The main changes are:

  • Decoration inside and out
  • Improved lighting and club branding
  • Updated and improved signage
  • Repairs to the changing and toilet facilities
  • Updating the bar offering (including many more non-alcoholic drinks)
  • Hopefully live sports on new TV screens too

Phase 2 – medium term improvements

Phase 2 recognises that the clubhouse is now in use by both the hockey and tennis clubs continuously through the year, and so aims to improve the configuration of the building, to increase capacity and to improve the movement of people alongside those eating and socialising.

This will also lead to increased usage of the social and bar area.  The intention is to create a facility which can allow both the hockey and tennis clubs to flourish whilst we scope, plan and fundraise for Phase 3.

Potential Phase 2 improvements will  include:

  • Building a conservatory to wrap around the non-bar end of the club room, to increase our space for eating and socialising.
  • Moving the main entrance to the bar from the car park, and changing the internal layout by removing some internal walls.
  • Relocating the kitchen to increase the range of food on offer.

We hope to complete Phase 2 by the end of Summer 2025 although if we are able to accelerate ideas and plans for Phase 3, it might be that we skip Phase 2 and move straight on to Phase 3 from Phase 1.

Photo 14-10-2023, 15 21 31

Phase 3 represents our long term plans for BRN site for the next 90 years

It will mean a complete reconfiguration of the BRN site, include a new, purpose-built Clubhouse, overlooking the hockey pitches as well as tennis courts.

Plans are at an early stage, and include an improved social space including bar and café, provision for indoor tennis (and possibly hockey), enhanced changing rooms, professional kitchen and catering provision, a gym/fitness suite and meeting rooms.

A relocation of the clubhouse would also require a reconfiguration of the layout of the tennis courts.  Two other key objectives of Phase 3 would be improvements to the access into and exit from the site and increased car parking provision.  Pre-planning application advice is already being sought from the local planning authority to inform the Phase 3 ideas.

We’re working to shape the detailed plans, with the ambition to complete Phase 3 by the end of 2028, to coincide with Hawks’ 90th Birthday.

Explore our four key pillars...

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Our Community

Putting community at the heart of our sport, our club and our city

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Our Home

Enhancing and eventually replacing the clubhouse as a cornerstone of our club

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Our Management

Running our club as a modern, forward-thinking and sustainable way

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A Team

Our Future

Nurturing Young People to be the sustainable heart of our community on and off the pitch

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We've all got to get involved

To make our vision for Hawks@90 happen we need your help, support, ideas and passion.

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