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Club Rules

Club Rules

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Club Constitution:


  1. Name. The club shall be called the Oxford Hawks Hockey Club (“the Club”).
  2. Objects. The objects of the Club are to afford its members the facilities for playing hockey, the provision of club premises and the means of social intercourse and rational recreation.
  3. Colours. The colours of the Club shall be magenta and black. All members playing in matches must wear Club shirts and Club socks and black shorts/skirts.
  4. Rules of the Game. The rules of the game of hockey played by the Club shall be those adopted from time to time by England Hockey.
  5. Affiliation. The Club shall be affiliated to the Oxfordshire Hockey Association and shall at all times abide by the rules of the Association.
  6. Patrons. The Club shall be under the patronage of one Patron, one President and as many Honorary Vice-Presidents and Vice-Presidents as the Committee shall determine, all of whom shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
  7. Membership
    7.1 Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowed on a non-discriminatory basis.

7.2 The Club may have different classes of membership (as provided in Rule 7.4) and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis.

7.3 The Club Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the members.

7.4 There shall be three categories of membership

(a) Full Member
(b) Junior Member
(c) Honorary Member

7.5 Full members shall include members paying full rates, members paying discounted rates, student members, occasional members, summer members and social members. Social members shall make up less than half of the total membership.

7.6 Junior Membership. Membership shall be open to boys and girls under the age of 18 years.  A parent or sponsor must countersign the application form of a junior member. A junior member shall be entitled to use such facilities of the Club as may be determined from time to time by the Committee.

A junior member may not without the written permission of the Honorary Secretary introduce any guest into the Club premises. No junior member shall be entitled to attend general meetings of the Club but may do so at the discretion of the Committee; if he does so attend he may not vote thereat nor shall his presence count towards any requisite quorum. A junior member wishing to be elected an adult member must follow the procedure laid down in Rule 8.

7.7 Honorary Membership. A person may be elected an honorary member of the Club.  Such members shall be exempted from paying subscriptions but shall nevertheless be entitled to all the privileges of membership.

  1. Process for Becoming a Member. Every person who wishes to become a member shall apply to the Club in such form as the Committee require. The Committee shall have power to admit persons to membership in accordance with Rule 7. The Committee may require a candidate for playing membership to demonstrate his playing ability before his application for membership is considered. A member may be admitted to membership not less than two days after the date of the applicant’s application.
  2. Subscriptions. A Vice President’s annual subscription and a member’s annual subscription and game fees shall be such sum as the members shall determine at the Annual General Meeting. Levels of subscription and game fees may be different for the membership categories in Rule 7.4 and for the types of membership listed in Rule 7.5 provided that they are set on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. All subscriptions shall become due on a date in September in each year to be notified by the Committee. The Committee may authorise members to pay their subscriptions and game fees by instalments in the months from September to March. If the subscription or any instalment is not paid on its due date, the member shall cease to enjoy the privileges of membership until payment is made. If the subscription or an instalment remains unpaid after one month of its due date the member shall automatically cease to be a member of the Club. The Committee shall have the power to affix a notice in the clubhouse to the effect that a particular person has ceased to be a member under this rule.
  3. Resignation of Members. A member may resign from the Club by informing the Honorary Secretary in writing of his intention to do so. If a resignation is received after the 1st September in any year the member shall remain liable for that year's subscription.
  4. Suspension and Expulsion of Members. The Committee shall have power to suspend for a period not exceeding 12 months or to expel any member (including the Patron, the President, an Honorary Vice-President or a Vice-President) only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or the sport of amateur hockey into disrepute.

No member shall be suspended or expelled without first being afforded a reasonable opportunity to make written representations to or be heard by the Committee of whom at least three quarters are present. The Committee shall have the power to exclude a member from the Club premises pending the hearing of the case against him. A suspended member shall not be entitled to use the Club premises nor attend any Club meeting nor vote at any election nor hold any office during suspension, but he shall remain liable to pay his subscription. A member who is suspended or expelled may appeal against the suspension or expulsion to the members at a special meeting if he so requests in writing to the Honorary Secretary within 7 days or his suspension or expulsion. The meeting shall be convened within 21 days of the suspension or expulsion. If at least two-thirds of the members present and entitled to vote at the meeting are in favour of allowing the appeal, the member shall be automatically reinstated. If the member so requests he may attend any hearing before the Committee or the special meeting of the members with a legal or other representative.

  1. Temporary Playing Suspension. If a member is reported for a playing offence the Committee shall have the power automatically to suspend that member from playing or umpiring for such period as it thinks fit not exceeding ninety days.
  2. Management of the Club. The management and control of the affairs of the Club shall be vested in an elective committee (referred to in these rules as "the Committee"). The Committee shall consist of the following officers of the Club together with four other adult members of the Club: the Club Chairman, the two Club captains (one for the men and one for the women), two entertainment officers (one for the men and one for the women), the Honorary Secretary, the Ladies' Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer, the Honorary Fixture Secretaries (one for the men and one for the women), Junior' Representative and the Welfare Officer. The Club Chairman shall be the chairman of the Committee. The Committee shall not consist of fewer than twelve members. Six members of the Committee (five where the Committee consists of twelve members) shall be deemed to form a quorum at any Committee meeting and the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote thereat. Nobody shall be appointed as a member of the Committee who is under 18.
  3. Sub-Committees. The Committee may from time to time appoint such sub-committees as it may deem necessary or expedient to assist it in the business of the Club. All sub-committees shall conduct their business in accordance with directions from the Committee and shall periodically report their proceedings as directed by the Committee for ratification.

All members of sub-committees shall automatically retire on the date on which the Annual General Meeting is held but shall be eligible for re-appointment by the Committee immediately following such Annual General Meeting.

The quorum for any meeting of a sub-committee shall be decided at its first meeting after the Annual General Meeting in each year and the Club Chairman notified accordingly. The chairman of any meeting shall have a casting vote thereat. A list of sub-committees and their respective composition and functions shall be circulated to adult and honorary members of the Club at the start of each season.

  1. By-laws. The Committee shall have power to make, alter or revoke such by-laws, as it may consider necessary for the good government and order of the Club. All by-laws shall be exhibited on a notice-board in the Club premises.
  2. Election of Officers and the Committee. Officers of the Club and all members of the Committee shall be in office from their election or appointment until the next Annual General Meeting when they shall automatically retire, but they may offer themselves for re-election. Officers and members of the Committee shall be elected by ballot at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations signed by not less than two members of the club must be received by the Honorary Secretary at least 7 days before the Annual General Meeting. If a vacancy occurs during its term of office, the Committee shall have power to appoint any member of the Club to fill such vacancy for the remainder of that term.
  3. Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting shall be held on a date fixed by the Committee not later than the 15th July in each year (provided that not more than 15 months shall elapse between each meeting) for the purpose of receiving reports from the Honorary Treasurer and the men's and ladies' Club captains in respect of the Club's activities since the previous Annual General Meeting; receiving and, if thought fit, approving the Club's accounts in respect of the preceding financial year; electing the Patron, the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Committee and officers of the club (including the Honorary Auditor); fixing the subscriptions and game fees; and for the transaction of the general business of the Club. Adult members shall receive 14 days notice in writing of such meeting. No member, save with the consent of the chairman of the meeting, may bring any matter before the meeting unless he has given notice of motion in writing to the Honorary Secretary in respect of such matter at least 7 days prior to the meeting. An agenda of business shall be exhibited in the Club premises for at least 6 days prior to the meeting. If in accordance with any legal requirements or guidance issued by the Government or any other public authority, it is impossible in the reasonable opinion of the Committee to hold an AGM no later than 15th July or within the period of 15 months from the date of the last AGM, then the Committee shall call the meeting as soon as practicable thereafter provided that in doing so it does not contravene the said legal requirements or guidance.
  4. Special Meetings. A special general meeting shall be called by the Honorary Secretary within 28 days of receipt by him of a requisition from the Committee, or one signed by not less than 10 members of the Club or one-fifth of the members entitled to attend and vote at a general meeting, whichever is the less. Adult members shall receive 14 days notice in writing of such meeting. The notice shall specify the purpose of such meeting and no other matter may be brought before such meeting.
  5. Quorum and Voting at Meetings. A general meeting may proceed to business if 15 members are present within half an hour after the time fixed for the meeting; otherwise the meeting, if convened on the requisition of the members, shall be dissolved but, if convened by order of the Committee, it shall stand adjourned to the week following at the same time, save that the adjourned meeting may proceed to business whatever the number of members present. Each member present at a general meeting shall be entitled to one vote on each motion except the Chairman who shall have a casting vote only. If the Chairman considers that any particular motion may be prejudicial to the interest of playing members he may rule that non-playing members shall not be entitled to vote thereon.

19A. Electronic Meetings. This rule supplements Rules 17, 18 and 19.

(1) The Committee shall have the power in appropriate cases to hold and conduct a meeting in such a way that members who are not present together at the same place may by electronic means attend and speak and vote at it.

(2) Adult members shall receive 14 days’ notice in writing of such meeting. No member, save with the consent of the chairman of the meeting, may bring any matter before the meeting unless he has given notice of motion in writing to the Honorary Secretary in respect of such matter at least 7 days prior to the meeting. An agenda of business in writing shall be sent to adult members at least 6 days prior to the meeting.

  1. Visitors. Members may personally introduce guests provided that no person whose application for membership has been declined or who has been suspended or expelled from the Club shall be introduced as a guest. Members must accompany visitors introduced by them during the period of their stay in the Club premises.

20A. Indemnity. The members of the Committee, the officers of the Club, and the officials of the Club shall be indemnified by the Club out of club funds against any legal or monetary claim made against them by third parties in connection with the proper discharge of their duties.

  1. Amendment of the Rules. These rules may be added to, altered or revoked by the members at the Annual General Meeting or at a special general meeting convened for that purpose. Any amendment to be carried shall require the votes of at least two-thirds of the members present at such meeting. No amendment may be made at the Annual General Meeting unless notice of motion in writing has been given to the Honorary Secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting by the proposer of the amendment.
  2. Interpretation. The reference in these rules to the masculine gender shall in all cases apply equally to the feminine gender. The phrase "in writing" shall include communication by means of electronic mail.
  3. Dissolution of the Club. A resolution seeking the dissolution of the Club may be passed, and only passed, at a special general meeting on a requisition signed by not less than 30 members of the Club or by one-fifth of the members entitled to attend and vote at a general meeting, whichever is the less. The Honorary Secretary shall call such a meeting within 28 days of receipt of the requisition. Adult members shall receive 21 days’ notice in writing of such meeting. If at the convened meeting the resolution seeking dissolution is carried by at least two-thirds of the members present at the meeting, the Committee shall thereupon, or on such date as shall have been specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the Club. Any surplus assets, however, shall not be paid or distributed to the members of the Club but will be given or transferred to some other voluntary or charitable organisation or entity having similar objects to the Club or whose objects include the promotion of games or sports.

Version history

Last Modified: 7/6/17

Last Modified: 11/07/2019

Last Modified: 1/09/2021

Last Modified: 11/7/22

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