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Back to Hockey

Back to Hockey

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Back to Hockey


Oxford Hawks runs Back to Hockey training for anyone who is new to or returning to hockey. The first session will be on 6th September 2023 on a Wednesday from 7 to 8:pm on the near pitch at Banbury Road North. It will then run until 11th October.  There will be a second block of 6 weeks from 1st November up until 6th December.  The third block of sessions begins on 3rd January 2024 and will run from 7 to 8 pm each Wednesday. The fourth block of sessions begins on 28th February.

The aim of the training is to get players to a point where they feel confident to join in a game. At that stage they can join in matches and progress to the Ladies' or Men's Club training which is also on Wednesday evenings.

A typical session includes:

  • Passing and receiving the ball
  • Dribbling with the ball
  • Shooting at goal
  • Keeping possession
  • Moving into space to receive the ball

We usually finish with a small game if numbers permit.

It is suitable for both men and women of all ages.  You can progress at your own pace and fitness is not required.  Just bring an open mind and willingness to learn.  You do not even need a hockey stick!  (We have spares.) You will find a warm welcome and lots of encouragement.

If you would like more information then please contact Phil Williams,

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