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About Us

About Us

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About Us

Based in North Oxford, we consider ourselves to be the premier club in Oxfordshire with an unrivalled combination of facilities and playing standards. The Club was founded in 1938 and we have grown steadily to the large and successful Club we are today.

We moved to Banbury Road North (BRN) in 1980 when we developed our present clubhouse and we built the first artificial grass pitch in Oxfordshire in 1990. In our last development project in 2011, we extensively refurbished our first pitch and built a new second pitch so that we have all our facilities on the same site. See our site plan. Our pitches are available for hire to third parties at times when we are not using them ourselves.

Our ladies section runs seven teams covering the widest range of playing standards from National League to South Central Women's Division 3 Cherwell. We also have ladies’ veteran teams. The ladies section also run two ‘Girls Development’ teams where a mix of adults and juniors play together to help to bridge the gap between junior and adult hockey.

Our men’s section runs eight teams covering playing standards from South Central Men's Division 2 Cherwell as well as the Over 50’s.

Hawks is ‘Club First’ accredited - England Hockey’s recognition of a Club providing a safe, effective and child friendly hockey environment. Youth development has a huge focus at Hawks and our fantastic Junior Section has over 400 members playing and training on Sundays as well as midweek evenings.

Hawks is ‘Club First’ accredited - England Hockey’s recognition of a Club providing a safe, effective and child friendly hockey environment. Youth development has a huge focus at Hawks and our fantastic Junior Section has over 400 members playing and training on Sundays as well as midweek evenings.

U8s at Training
Young Leaders 3

Our ‘Squawks’ Newsletter is emailed to members every week containing a mix of news, results from the week before and details of upcoming fixtures. It does a great job of keeping the club connected.

Our principal Fund Raiser is the Club Development Draw. The Draw has raised £000’s over many years and is the main reason why we enjoy the facilities that we do today. We encourage all members and friends of the club to try to support the Draw if they can. A ticket costs £5.00 per month payable by standing order and in total over £2,000 of cash prizes are drawn on a weekly basis through the season. We also encourage local businesses to support us through Sponsorship Packages.

We pride ourselves on being a very sociable Club. We have a busy social calendar featuring events such as BBQ’s, Quiz Nights, Wine Tasting, a Christmas Party and an End-of-Season Dinner. On a Saturday the Clubhouse is always buzzing with people discussing their matches over team teas and a drink or two.

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