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Ladies’ 2s win away at Amersham

Season 2022-2023

Ladies’ 2s win away at Amersham

Published on 11th Mar, 2023

The satnav decided to go off road so we could explore the countryside of Buckinghamshire on the way to Amersham, but nevertheless no one was late apart from Chloe Spencer - who clearly thought fake tanning for her trip away was more important than the meet time. Congratulations Spenny for DOD.

After a beautiful team talk from coach Wilko, we enthusiastically warmed up so we can continue to hold second place in the league. Our second youngest player Wato said, and I quote, “it was too tiring” which bode well for the game ahead versus Amersham and Chalfont.

Much to Helen’s dismay, it was a nil-nil thriller of a first half - thanks to Caro’s amazing interception (after an availability disappearance for the double header last weekend) but nevertheless, welcome back Caro - and Bex! A well-deserved MOM to Caro… definitely worth the broken thumb!

After another beautiful half time team talk from Wilko, the team connected a lot better in the second half and we finally scored - maybe because I was off. The details of the goal are as follows: Bex passed the ball through middle of the pitch, Helen ‘dummied’ the ball apparently, and Odderz received the ball in the D and reversed hit the ball in. Beautiful.

Another three points.

Love and champagne,

The Ladies' 2s (Beth) xoxo

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