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Ladies 8s in great game with Thame

Season 2022-2023

Ladies 8s in great game with Thame

Published on 12th Mar, 2023

Ladies 8s played a friendly at home at Gosford Hill in Kidlington. We had a bare eleven as one player had dropped out due to illness and Eleanor shouldn’t have been playing the whole match due to injury. She played at the back and managed the whole game really well.

Thame pressed hard and got an early goal piling the pressure on Niv. They got a second goal when the defence stopped thinking the whistle had gone.

The second half was much better. We got our act together. We made better use of the space and passed well. The inners and forwards worked well together. However, we could not score a goal.

The final score was 0 - 2.  Thame told us afterwards that they only had to win or draw on Saturday to win our division of the league.

There were nominations for PoM for Niv and Ros. But the winner was Zoe Sellers who had an excellent match playing her first game for us.

Thanks to the umpires Mike Monaghan and Charlie Baggs and to Simon Aumonier for the excellent photos.

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