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Ladies’ 2s success at Southampton

Season 2022-2023

Ladies’ 2s success at Southampton

Published on 15th Oct, 2022

Hawks made the journey down the A34 to face unknown entity Southampton, keen to get back to winning ways after a blip the previous week. Journey didn’t start so well as Bex realised she forgot her astros. After an impromptu shopping trip to Eastleigh Sports Direct, Hawks were back on their way.

No parking spaces, so we found a lovely leafy cul de sac and learnt a lot about flowers thanks to Odders fancy app, and then we wandered over to the pitch. The first half was slightly odd.  The 2s went one up after a few minutes when Southampton gave us far too much space in the D, and after a few attempts on goal Kathryn had enough and slammed it in. The rest of the half was a bit scrappy, with some bizarre moments, and Wilko gave us a deserved talking to at the half time break.

Second half was a different cup of tea, with the 2s dominating possession all over the pitch. Player of the game Lucille was fab on the right, making countless driving runs down the wing. Helen and Chloe S (on her 2s league debut) were on fire up front. Second goal was lovely, with Caro sliding it into the D for Kathryn to deflect it in. Odders hit the inside of the post moments later. And then shortly after that she tried to stop the ball but miscontrolled it and somehow it trickled in. Slightly weird but they all count.

Game ended 3-0, great second half. Helen picked up the donkey award for a wardrobe fail. There is a two-week gap now and the 2s look forward to hosting Oxford at home.

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