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Ladies’ 1s start season with success

Season 2022-2023

Ladies’ 1s start season with success

Published on 27th Sep, 2022

The Ladies' 1s' season opener was not going to be an easy one against Bath Buccs. Both teams this season will be looking for promotion so, let battle commence.

Both teams went for it from the off, Hawks started well and had a few early chances but it was Bath who broke the deadlock first. A turnover from a hit-out saw a Bath player take the ball around the defence and put the ball in the net.

In the next quarter, with Bath pushing for a second, Hawks won the ball deep in their own half. A break down the right saw the ball end up on Smithers stick who then tucked the ball under the keeper to draw the scores level at half time.

With lots of positive encouragement and some stuff to work on too, Hawks came out the second half looking for the next goal. A nicely weighted aerial from Cita to Lexi saw her round a couple of players to put Hawks 2-1 up. It wasn't long until Hawks found themselves 3-1. A rebound from a short corner routine was gobbled up by Reaney to give Hawks some breathing space. But Bath didn't give up and soon found the net themselves to bring the score back close. 3-2.

Going into the final quarter both teams knew the next goal could be the decider. Midway through Hawks won a short corner which then turned into a penalty flick as it was stopped on the line. Up stepped Smithers to score her second of the game. With both teams still wanting to score, possession changed hands frequently throughout the rest of the quarter. Each team had their chances but both teams’ defences stood strong. Final score 4-2 to the ladies 1s!

MOM went to Emma Page for making umpteen awesome saves throughout to make sure Hawks took all three points.

A great start to the season, a good team performance but definitely another gear to go.

Next week a trip to the south coast.

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