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Ladies’ 1s draw with Clifton Robinson

Season 2023-2024

Ladies’ 1s draw with Clifton Robinson

Published on 25th Sep, 2023

After a great pre-season Hawks were looking to continue their good form in their first league match against Clifton Robinsons. Clifton came out looking determined and to take it to Hawks from the start. Initially Hawks looked like they had this under control, having chances of their own and putting pressure on the Clifton defence, but a long ball from the back found its way to a Clifton player in the Hawks D. Pagey initially made a great save but the Clifton player managed to find a teammate at the back post for a tap in.

Hawks having talked at about FFS moments at the team talk, decided they were not going to let being 1 nil down deter them and mid-way through the second quarter Hawks equalised. Some lovely simple passing down the right-hand side and an excellent cross found Reaney boxing out her playing for a cheeky touch round the keeper. All equal at half time.

In the third quarter Clifton came out the stronger if the two teams and once again pulled ahead, this time from a well worked short corner. Hawks were unable to respond, and the score remained 2-1 to Clifton going into the last quarter.

Hawks, knowing they were not playing their best hockey, were determined not to open up the season with a loss. With tackles coming in left, right and centre, Hawks kept battling to find an equaliser. After some strong baseline work from Lexi she managed to play the ball back into a melee of players, where Hibby pounced on a bouncing ball and hit it into the goal. Clifton though were determined to win the match but great team defending and some man of the match winning saves from Pagey, Hawks held on for the draw.

Overall, not a great performance from Hawks knowing they can play better, but good determination from the team to get a point. Hawks will definitely be the happier of the two teams with a draw.

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