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Ladies’ 7s lose at Thame

Season 2023-2024

Ladies’ 7s lose at Thame

Published on 24th Sep, 2023

Ladies’ 7s began the game at Thame 3s with only 10 players.  However, Linda Phillips doubled up to provide the eleventh player, once she arrived.  She was late because her game in Headington did not finish until 4 pm when ours began at Thame.  Cat Dabbs also arrived.  However, as we didn’t know she was coming, she was not on the team sheet and so could not play.

So, it was not surprising that we lost the first half with the score at half time 4 – 0 to Thame.  We had a much better second half with some credible attacks but, unfortunately, no goals.  The final score was 9 – 0 to Thame.

There were nominations for player of the match for:

  • Niv, who had a solid game in goal and played very well despite being overwhelmed at times.
  • Anoushka, who played an excellent inner with lovely skills and energy.
  • Sophie, who provided stability as left half and had a great game.
  • Jess, who ran her socks off, had a superb game and was unlucky not to score.

However, the Player of the Match was Naomi who had a beautiful game as inner.  She demonstrated great skills. She said she was unfit but still managed to be up and back to defend.

Thanks to George Sharma, aged 9, who took the photos for us.

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