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Men’s 6s take 3 points v Yateley!

Season 2022-2023

Men’s 6s take 3 points v Yateley!

Published on 22nd Nov, 2022

If you are reading this, I would like to congratulate you on navigating the twists and turns of our new website. It’s a mini adventure and takes you to places you’ve not dreamt of in the past. Before reading these wittering’s may I suggest a journey over to the Ladies 5’s match report which includes bar charts and graphs…my kinda thing.

A snap poll of members of the 6’s squad would indicate that he readership of the Men’s 6’s match report was clearly in single figures. Anyway, in summary the last weekend’s match report ended with those oft read statement. ‘Bring on {Insert Opposition}’

The self-appointed ‘executive’ skipper had made themselves unavailable and had passed on the ‘game day duties’ to a member of the squad. Selecting a replacement skipper has two main stages: shortlisting and assessment. In both stages the executive should ensure that their selection methods treat each member of the squad fairly, without discrimination or bias, and that selections are made based on the players ability to perform the role, contribute to the team and their potential for development. Or just pick a name out of the hat and hope for the best!!

This was going to be a tall order with numbers bursting at the seams; 4 or 5 on the bench is never easy to manage. However, the ‘Gilman Bubble’ system, was instigated and the egoless 6’s embraced it as well as the warmup and the pre match talk which of course included the usual blah blah! (For further detail please refer to last week’s match report). Last minute arrivals and missing a gum shield did not faze the newly appointed skipper as the ‘shot box’

The 6’s started well and immediately piled on the pressure. Prattzie led the way in the engine room – swiping right and left. Finners was once again terrorising the Yateley defence, superbly supported by Gillo and Cuthers. Gillers and Muzzer dominated the right side of pitch shutting any attack down the left.

Whilst the 6’s were dominating play they could not find that elusive goal. The starting bench merged into the game seamlessly with Madars working hard up front and in midfield, breaking down play and helping to develop attacking moves. Carters on the left was in full swing producing some outstanding first-time slaps which initially were not being picked up by the front line. However, eventually one landed on the end of a teammates stick who carried into the D slipped right to Maccers who managed to (eventually) get the ball across the line. A well-deserved lead (1-0). Yateley then threw everything at the 6’s to get the equaliser and shortly before half time, they won their first short corner, and it was converted (1-1). The score line did not reflect the 6’s dominance of the first half.

The half time talk was a clear case of doing much of the same (excellent) play. However, a few goals would be ideal to reap the benefits: like a Rasul Mud Treatment.

The start of the second half saw an outstanding a fantastic piece of interplay between Cuthers, Griffers and Finners which could not be finished off in the D by the ever-alert Gillo! The game sat in the balance for much of the half – a little piece of genius was going to be required to separate the teams and it was Ropers who provided it; a deft touch in the opposing D lifted the ball expertly over the defenders stick on to their foot – short corner - the defender was even heard to congratulate Ropers on a quality touch. A pacey injection from Gillers, quality stop from Cookey who peeled away to receive the ball again and calmly slotted home (2-1). Once again, Yateley tried to respond by throwing everything at the 6’s back line. However, Cookey, Rogues, Carters and Muzza were defiant and resolute with Herrings making some excellent saves and clearances. There were counterattack opportunities for the 6’s but they couldn’t quite put the game to bed. Yateley, came again but started to run out of ideas to break through and in the end the 6’s were triumphant. In particular, the stand in skipper, picking up his first 3 points of the season. A superb effort from everyone.

Special mention to Cookey and Rogues who played every minute at the back (of course Herrings as well). No graphs or bar charts to be seen perhaps next time! Thank you to Messer’s Higgins and Smith for umpiring and of course to the fantastic support from the side-line.

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