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Ladies’ 6s lose out to Wychwood

Season 2022-2023

Ladies’ 6s lose out to Wychwood

Published on 28th Mar, 2023

It was a dry morning at Cokethorpe school but as usual the exposed pitches had a cold wind blasting across. We gathered in the Tokyo changing rooms for shelter and Phil prepared us all with a motivational talk and plan of attack. Feeling positive we went out to the pitch for our warm up in good spirits.

From the first whistle Wychwood were doing their best to make their mark on the game. Within the first 5 minutes they had made a number of strong attacks and despite the best efforts of our defence and Daisy in goal they had scored 2 goals . Daisy valiantly got her hand to one high ball but it sadly sailed up over her head and into goal.

Hawks heads did not drop but having been taken a little by surprise we had to gather ourselves and work the small triangles that Captain Phil had asked us to do prior to the match.  Wychwood were good at sneaking in to intercept and before the half time whistle they had scored their 3rd goal. In their half time talk Phil and Caroline talked us through the first half and what we needed to improve on. Coming to the ball and continuing the small triangles was in the plan going into the second half.

As always the L6’s perform better in the 2nd half and we were almost like a different team. Coming to the ball and making connections . We put a lot of pressure on the opposition and had numerous shots on goal and had the Wychwood keeper not been so strong we would have definitely scored.

Wychwood lost their composure as the Hawks ramped up the intensity and it wasn’t long before one of their players got a green card for a deliberate body block on Phil. Hawks dominated in the 2nd half and continued to attack relentlessly.

Unfortunately a green card was given to Romi for an alleged deliberate breaking down of play. One person down we still held strong however and the score for the second half was 0-0.A few of us went for the most unusual teas , sandwiches filled with chicken, capers , gherkins , mayo and mustard. An unusual choice of filling!! But we did enjoy Phil’s banana and sultana bread!

Player of the match votes were given and as it was a great team effort the votes reflected this as there were votes for
Pom was given to Emily who worked tirelessly making numerous strong runs down the line and many interceptions and tackles.
Many thanks to Daisy for joining us today.
Last match of the season next weekend and hoping to finish on a high with a win.

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