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Ladies’ 5s unlucky in local clash

Season 2022-2023

Ladies’ 5s unlucky in local clash

Published on 08th Nov, 2022

The game started a little manic with Oxford Uni coming out of the blocks fast and nearly scoring twice in the early part of the match but being denied by the post. They unfortunately managed to win a goal, though we felt it wasn't hit inside the D so this was a blow!
However, we didn't lose our heads and a brilliant ball from Flora to Karen, who drove it up the line and into the D, passed to Lizzie who scored, saw us equalise.
In the second half we went out strongly - but luck was not on our side. This time a goal was disallowed despite Karen, who was in the D getting a touch on a brilliant slap from outside. Sadly, Oxford Uni then scored twice - once on a break and then from a flick.

So, despite losing we played well as a team. If we can play like this in games going forward, we will be assured wins! PoM went to newcomer Libby for excellent robustness.

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