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L7s in great win against Milton Keynes

L7s in great win against Milton Keynes

Published on 14th Jan, 2023

Hawks started well, they were holding possession and passing well. They got a short corner, with a lovely strike from Hannah which went slightly wide. From an opposition attack, Kim passed to Sophie who sent a beautiful ball to Emily at top D where she had a one-on-one with the keeper and scored a goal.

We ended the first half 1-0.

Hawks started strong with lots of possession. The ball moved fluidly, and Hawks attacked quickly. Even though Hawks were goal-hungry, driving forward from defence the end of the game was a 1- 0 win to Hawks.

Emily Dawes, who had a magnificent game and the goal, was voted player of the match.

Thanks to Mike Monaghan and Jack Sobey for umpiring.

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