Season 2024-2025
Women’s 7s win 9 – 4 !
Published on 08th Sep, 2024
In our first friendly, we had 11 on paper. However one was injured, and another fractured a bone in her hand. So we were down to 9. Huei organised a great set of warm-up stretches while Deborah went to get the new shirts. When we discovered that we were only 9, Bella went off to recruit from the spectators and came back with Henri Gordon!
We began slowly and Abingdon scored the first goal. Then we got our act together and goals came thick and fast. We ended the first half 7 – 1 up.
At the start of the second half we kindly leant them Helena our keeper as they had none. (Helena was a little bored at this point.) That evened things up a lot and the final score was 9 -4 to us.
The goal scorers were Sarah Rowe 5 (you need to buy a jug to celebrate!), Bella Dawes 2 (lovely work), Huei 1 and Phil Williams 1 (not bad for someone who plays full back normally!).
There were nominations for player of the match for Deborah (especially stopping goals when we had no keeper), Clarissa (who had an excellent game as left half, up helping the forwards and back marking), Bella (always in the right place and calling for the ball) and Sarah (all those magnificent goals). However the winner was Huei with her skills (picking up the ball and running with it), her fitness (she was faster than all their defence) and commitment to the team (with her ideas and warm up/warm down stretches).
A big thanks to Yas and Cat for umpiring and to Cat for taking the photos.
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