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U14 Boys Development in exciting game at Abingdon

Season 2022-2023

U14 Boys Development in exciting game at Abingdon

Published on 17th Oct, 2022

U14 Boys’ B Team met at Abingdon to play their U14 Boys in South Central U14 Tier 3 North Championship.  It was a lovely sunny day and there was some great hockey.  Quite a few of the boys were actually under 12, but you wouldn’t know this from the excellent skills that they displayed.  It was a real pleasure to watch.  There was even one aerial which was a surprise to the coaches from both sides!

The final score was 2 – 2.  Dylan Jones and Josh Howard got the goals in open play. They decided the result on penalty flicks.  This was a tense moment for the watching parents.  We won 2 – 1!  The flick scorers were Harry Allen and Harry Taylor. This is very good result for our young team.  They worked really hard.  They just need practice in reading the game and using the space and they will be formidable.

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