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Sevens are down to seven

Season 2024-2025

Sevens are down to seven

Published on 14th Sep, 2024

For some reason only three of the 7s’ squad from last year were available this week.  However we were delighted to fill in with players new to the club and some juniors playing adult hockey for the first time.  Unfortunately, we only had eight on the team list.  One of these had car problems and so we were down to seven.

I had warned the opposition that we were very short.  They agreed to lend us some players but only after half time!  So the first half was very one-sided and the number of goals against was quickly in double figures.

Sarah had a great game as centre forward, posting up to receive the ball but then struggling to keep possession as they closed her down. Isla, playing right mid had a great first adult game.  She solved the problem of the lack of forwards by running with the ball up into the circle and taking shots at goal.  Unfortunately, none of these resulted in a goal but she gets full marks for trying! Natalie had a great game as centre mid and demonstrated beautiful skills on the ball.  Raquel was playing left half and managed to be up when we were attacking and back when we needed her to defend and read the game very well.  Gill had her usual strong game in defence and shouted encouragement to keep our spirits up!  Last but not least, we had Anna in goal also playing adult hockey for the first time.  She was a bit overwhelmed by the opposition attackers but did not let that depress her and played well for the whole game.

They lent us four players at half time, and it made such a difference!  Suddenly we had people to pass to.  We only conceded 4 more goals and got one for ourselves thanks to Becky M-W!

All the new players got nominations for player of the match: Raquel, Natalie and Anna.  The winner was Isla who we considered was the one most likely to score with her great skills and energy.

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