Season 2022-2023
Ladies’ 8s in good game v Witney 5s
Published on 13th Nov, 2022
On a beautiful and sunny Saturday afternoon, the Ladies 8s played Witney 5s, eventually being defeated in a well-fought match, with a final score of 2-1.
We started off strongly, with lots of great inter-play and passing, and gained a short corner fairly quickly (although we didn’t score). Witney had a great attack and managed to score two goals in the first half.
At halftime, we recuperated and discussed our shape and tactics for the second half (and kept up our energy with some sweets), then set out again.
We came back a lot stronger and were able to make a lot of attacks on goal, and held a very strong defence, blocking any further goals from the opposition. With less than five minutes to go, Hannah scored an excellent and well-fought goal, coming from a rebound, but the match finished before we could even out the score.
Everyone played excellently. There were nominations for Player of the Match for Helen, Gill, Phoebe Deborah and Huei. However, Jill was our (well-deserved) player of the match, as our centre-forward, and made lots of good passes and runs throughout the match.
Thanks to Simon Aumonier for the excellent photos and to the umpires, Becky Hibbert and Catherine Reaney, who kept good control of the game.
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