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Ladies’ 7s beaten by Banbury

Season 2023-2024

Ladies’ 7s beaten by Banbury

Published on 10th Mar, 2024

Ladies’ 7s, remembering their win the previous Saturday, began optimistically.  However a well drilled Banbury side pressed hard from the first whistle.  They scored after about 10 minutes and again just before half time.

We discussed what we should do differently at half time.  There were some great passes up the pitch for the forwards to run onto.  However, we did not manage to convert any of our chances into goals.  Banbury got 3 more goals in the second half.

There were nominations for Kim and Phil but the player of the match was awarded to Helena who had an outstanding game.  Even the umpire commented on how good she was.

Ladies' 7s v Banbury 3s on 9th March 2024
Thanks to Jenny Kiplaget for taking the videos.


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