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Ladies’ 5s lose in late afternoon

Season 2022-2023

Ladies’ 5s lose in late afternoon

Published on 06th Feb, 2023

It was a late start on Saturday for the Ladies 5s match against Oxford University Ladies 3rd team. After some skilful double-parking in a packed Iffley Road Athletics Ground car park we had an elaborate warm up with the light already beginning to fade. The first half highlighted the youth and fitness of our opponents who took advantage of every mistake we made, however minor, with the other team leading 3-0 at half time.

However, after an inspirational half time talk by Susan we returned aggressively and the second half was much more impressive: everyone stepped up in terms of speed and ball placing, there were some great mid-air ball traps from the younger players, and we managed to sustain the aggression for the rest of the match, most of which was in their half, including a series of short corners. Katie scored a fantastic goal after a great combined effort in the D. We were unlucky to end the match 5-1 down. Player of the match - Mary.

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