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Ladies’ 4s in great win

Season 2023-2024

Ladies’ 4s in great win

Published on 19th Nov, 2023

Hawks 4s set out on a cold rainy day. After last week’s draw we were determined to get a win. We started off strongly and got an early goal on a short corner with a brilliant drag flick from Susie. We then continued fighting for more goals and Emily got us our second goal. Just before half time Molly scored a goal through the keepers legs.

At half time we were 3-0 up but we were still determined to increase the score line. Mae got our next goal with a rapid slap past the keeper. Susie scored another excellent drag flick getting us our 5th goal of the match. In the last minute of the match Clare took an amazing penalty flick that unfortunately hit the goal post. Overall we came away with a great 5-0 win.

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