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L6s still waiting to win at Witney

Season 2022-2023

L6s still waiting to win at Witney

Published on 08th Oct, 2022

Hawks started well making good connections and dominating play. The match was fairly equal through the first half and finished 0-0 at half time.

It was a very busy match and Hawks had to maintain composure. The new players stepped up and played really well. Connections were good but we needed to stretch the game If we were going to be able to put pressure on their goal. Witney were awarded a short corner which unfortunately they converted from a very strong strike. Hawks heads dropped.

We still put a lot of effort in but unfortunately Witney had renewed belief and enthusiasm and they slotted in another two goals. We then sustained two really nasty injuries, Caitlin had a really bad toe injury and then at restart Sal twisted her knee. With only 3 mins to go we decided to end the game. Some great play by the whole Hawks team but sadly not our day.

POM went to Eva on her debut for an outstanding performance of skill, fitness and impressive support play.

Wishing a speedy recovery to our two injured players!!

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