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Ladies’ 8s beat Bicester brilliantly!

Season 2022-2023

Ladies’ 8s beat Bicester brilliantly!

Published on 05th Dec, 2022

Ladies’ 8s started off with a strong attack, with lots of opportunities in the oppositions D the first goal was secured by Laura within the first 10 minutes.

After the ball went out the D on a short corner, Ros managed to regain the ball getting it back into the D.  A second goal was scored by a tap in from Laura before the second half.

Ladies 8s were in great spirits at half time with the score being 2-0. After a good team talk about what can be improved, Ladies’ 8s went into the second half even stronger.

Bicester were hungry for a goal but the great defending and saves from Ladies’ 8s keeper kept them at bay.

Hannah made a great shot on goal which was finished off by India on post.
Our fourth goal came soon after with another great run by Hannah and Ros, followed by a cross from Bella and then again, knocked in from the post by India.

Nominations for player of match included, Hannah, Bella, Laura but our player of the match this week was Rosalind, who played a fantastic game.

Many thanks to Simon Aumonier for the excellent photos.

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