Season 2023-2024
Ladies’ 7s lose at Witney
Published on 24th Feb, 2024
We started driving in a freezing fog and even when Witney offered us a chance to cancel the match however, we said no. When we arrived the pitch was just playable. Hurrah! The team were already setting up, as Huei making some shooting drills into the D. With Anoushka’s speaker blasting music, Hawks where all set to start.
Witney had first push back and they were off. The first half was very even with lots of opportunities in both D’s. We managed to scramble a short corner in the first few minutes and sadly didn’t get a goal. Shortly after our short, Witney struck back with a very impressive goal after a period of sustained pressure from our amazing defence consisting of: Gill, Sarah, Shiryne and Amy. Unfortunately, Witney did get another goal about ten minutes before halftime.
After halftime Witney did score a following four goals. Three of them were from short corners. Their first goal was an outstanding hit straight into the back corner. The second goal was from a short corner, but it wasn’t a straight strike; it was a goal of which had several shots (which our goalie defended amazingly) and sadly managed to cough up a goal. The third and fourth goals where both straight strikes and they did an amazing job. Our defence put up a very strong stance and even were able to transfer the ball to our wide halves. The forwards always were fighting for every ball and Helen had a few shots from Huei passing it to her a few times. Jess and Flora made some amazing runs down the right and left wing, and which usually got us into the D
The result didn’t reflect our amazing playing with a 6-0 loss, and we did make some gorgeous links. With Gabby (our goalie) receiving Player of the Match. The other nominees were: Anoushka, Jess, Shiryne and Amy.
Many thanks to Craig Adams for taking the pictures.
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