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Ladies’ 7s lose away at Abingdon

Season 2022-2023

Ladies’ 7s lose away at Abingdon

Published on 04th Mar, 2023

Hawks started off strong on a cold March morning, Jess had a great run at goal and just missed on the post. There was a lot of controversy in the first half as Abingdon scored but it was disqualified. Sadly, Abingdon then scored from a short corner. It must be noted all their players were in the D as the half time whistle had blown. There were some great efforts from Hawks but sadly we were outplayed by a very strong opposition.

In the second half there were two more goals from Abingdon.  One was again disqualified but the final score was 2-0. The team played fantastically, and it is a shame we did not get a goal to reflect the hard work.

Player of the match went to our wonderful goalkeeper Daisy who kept the score sheet far lower than it might have been. There were also nominations for Deborah, Eva, Bella, Jess and Emmy.     Finally thank to our Captain Charlotte.

Thanks to Tracey Mainwaring for taking the great photos.

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