Season 2022-2023
Ladies’ 6s beat Banbury beautifully
Published on 28th Jan, 2023
With a match called off last week due to a frozen pitch, the ladies were eager to get some more points on the board following their double weekend win the last time they played. The pre-match changing room talk was positive as the squad of 15 discussed sub rotations, with another match on Sunday to think about. Having won a huge number of short corners that didn’t result in goals in recent weeks, the attacking players also willingly took on the challenge to change that!
The ladies had an excellent start to the match with several interceptions by Romi and Yas in the centre leading to some great runs down the sidelines. One of these paid off when a ball passed into Ella was slotted into the goal. Spirits remained high as the 6s quickly followed this with another goal, this time slapped in by Caitlin during a short corner.
The ladies’ goal streak continued when a ball sent towards the net by Jill managed to bounce through the players in the D to hit off a Banbury stick into the goal. The half ended on a high as a ball hit in to Yas was slipped past the goalie.
Four nil up at half time, some team members (Emily) enjoyed potentially more Colin the Caterpillar sweets than was wise. After useful discussions about transfers and positioning, the team resolved to head into the second half as though it were still nil all.
The second half began with a resolute opposing side attacking hard. Phil and Jan did an excellent job in defence holding off their attacks and delivering well placed balls out of defence to the half backs and inners. A number of great saves by Billers also helped!
Hawks’ efforts were quickly rewarded as shortly into the second half, they won another short corner. Linda hit it back to the injector, Yas, who deflected it in. A sixth and final Hawks goal then followed, as Ella got a goal on the post.
Throughout the match, Bernie and Caroline showed brilliant composure, making some excellent tackles, spreading out the play and placing balls down the sides of the pitch. Romi and Cat were extremely unfortunate not to score from some of these chances, with a variety of impressive dives and near misses on goal.
Towards the end of the match, Banbury were fortunate to make a break and score a goal. Jess was also unfortunate to take a stick to the head.
The match finished with the Hawks’ ladies round the attacking D for 2 short corners after the whistle. A goal would have been a brilliant end to a great game, but unfortunately was not to be. The final score was therefore 6-1.
After the game, the team enjoyed lasagne and Caitlin’s incredible homemade chocolate orange cake in the Banbury clubhouse. Ella, Yas, Cat, Romi, Jill and Milla were all nominated for player of the match, but this week it deservedly went to Emily. The pressure is on for her to match Caitlin’s baking skills next week!
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