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Ladies’ 5s fought hard at Henley

Season 2022-2023

Ladies’ 5s fought hard at Henley

Published on 22nd Feb, 2023

We went out fighting from the beginning which was great, especially as not starting at 100% is something we've struggled with in the past.

Unfortunately Henley were able to get the first goal in - with a slick short.

However, on a wonderful counter we managed to equalise with Sherene putting away a great goal 1 on 1 with the keeper.

Though we battled hard, somehow our positioning went wrong. Henley captilised on this. If felt at times like we were swarmed.

They managed to get another 3 goals in, one being in the last 10 secs of play.

The score 4-1 doesn't reflect how well we did play and how hard we fought at points.

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