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L3s v L4s makes an interesting match!

Season 2022-2023

L3s v L4s makes an interesting match!

Published on 16th Oct, 2022

On a sunny autumn day, Ladies 4’s went to face Hawks Ladies 3’s. In the first half, there was some great defending in the D by Becky, Claire and Evie. Unfortunately, we conceded 2 goals however that didn’t knock the spirit!

In the second half, we had a couple of short corners from which we were unable to score. There was some great passing between Rebecca, Rom and Kim. This led to Kim passing a great ball to Emily on the post. So, the score was 2-1. After this the ladies 3’s scored again but we kept going. Shortly after there was some great passing between the inners which led to an amazing goal being scored by Rom. So, the score was now 3-2. With some great saves from Teyha, eventually, the 3’s scored another goal right in the last minute. This meant that the final score was 4-2 to the 3’s.  Well played everyone however a well-deserved player of the match went to Evie.

Many thanks to Clive Jones for the excellent photos.

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