For the new season 2024/25, availability and team lists for matches will be in Teamo. If you are not in Teamo, please register now.



Home / Sponsors / Discounts

discounts to members

Various local organisations offer discounts to members of Oxford Hawks. Always worth having!

Purdys fleet

Discounted Driving Lessons

Good rates for Hawks members. Good pass rates. Contact 07877 456084 or visit our website at



Discount at Crepeaffaire in Summertown

Oxford Hawks members are able to benefit from a 15% DISCOUNT at Crepeaffaire in Summertown. – just mention it at the till!



Andy has been in practice for 30 years and uses acupuncture for a range of health issues including musculoskeletal problems that arise from sport.

Acupuncture is safe and reliable for all ages and is often the treatment of choice for mobilising acute injuries or resolving longer term muscle weaknesses.

Treatments are 45 mins and normally cost £55 or £35 for 16 years and under. There is a 30% discount for adults. Clinics are in Oxford and Thame.

For more information call 07932 011281 or see

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